Rear View Mirrors and Windshields

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Every year around this time I take a moment to look in the rear view mirror. 2017 has definitely been a year of change, hard work and success as well as disappointment for me personally. One of the things I share with my students and coaching clients is that how we deal with our mistakes and discouragements separates us in life. Not allowing the down times in life to destroy or define us, but allowing them to change us and grow us into better human beings. This personal growth equips us to better help others and is the thing that gives our life purpose. I hope and pray that I persist in living out the same advice I give those I counsel when platitudes become reality in my own life.
My pastor very cleverly shared recently that “there is a reason that our rear view mirror is much smaller than our windshield”. What a remarkable analogy of God’s graciousness, mercy and instruction for us to glance at the past, but to direct our eyes steadfastly on the road before us as we approach each new day with His guidance. I pictured someone attempting to run a race, but losing ground because of their continual insistence on checking to see which runners behind them were gaining an advantage.
As 2018 approaches, it is impossible to know what lies ahead. There will be exceptional happiness, new adventures and inevitable heartache. The older we become, the more accepting we are of life’s effects and more aware of God’s incredible blessings. Without a doubt, God certainly knows, is in control and none of life’s circumstances take Him by surprise. My prayer is that we each embrace the new opportunities of 2018 with anticipation, gratitude and thankfulness as we make a difference every day.